Social Sustainability

We are also strongly convinced that, to leave a better earth for our future generations, it is necessary not to pollute the earth, air and water, but also not to allow that the human being itself gets “polluted” neither psychologically nor physically.

The workers who operate in our farms are not in contact with harmful substances. Furthermore, they are not subjected to inconceivable work schedules.
They are all equipped with health and safety clothing and they are granted efficient security systems.

All workers are recruited through a regular and legal work contract and they are remunerated according to trade unions agreements of each category of workers.

Siamo tutti profondamente convinti che la crescita e il sano sviluppo delle nostre aziende passi dalla crescita e dal sano sviluppo dei contesti sociali in cui operiamo. Per questo siamo disposti a condividere con gli altri produttori agricoli di biologico le nostre migliori conoscenze pratiche e ci siamo uniti in un consorzio.

We are all firmly convinced that the growth and healthy development of our farms must go hand in hand with the growth and healthy development of the social context where we operate as well.
For this reason, we are willing to share our best knowledge and best practices with other organic agricultural producers, and thus we got united in form of a consortium.

All together we decided to allocate part of our income to the realization of ethic projects aimed at solving the most urgent social problems of our territories.

We share solidarity, harmony of relations and openness to the other as fundamental elements to promote the growth of collective good.