
Who does not eat oranges, tangerines, grapefruits and lemons renounces to a precious source of fundamental nutrients. Before anyone else the vitamin C, an essential ingredient to increase the levels of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the brain.
These are in fact neurotransmitters that keep our attention level high, keeping us always awake and reactive.

There are no food supplements in tablets which can provide enough vitamin C as compared to a regular consumption of citruses.

Moreover, a loss of vitamin C can negatively condition the mood.
Who eats less citruses and does not compensate the gap of nutrients with other foods, risks of being constantly sad and irritable. And think ab3out that, according to a research, only 60mg of vitamin C are enough every day to feel better!

And it is not over here! According to many researches, citruses prevent some forms of stomach and intestine malignant neoplasia. In other words, oranges and grapefruits help preventing tumour: one property that, alone, should keep up constant in eating citruses.

Let’s then look closer to beneficial properties of three of the most appreciated citruses:

Navel oranges

The navel oranges are a variety of blond pulp oranges that ripens within October-March. Its origins date back to a monastery in Brazil in 1820 and seem to be a mutation. They are quite peculiar oranges that enclose a twin fruit within them in a narrower space. The skin resemble a navel and it is yellow with a juicy pulp and no seeds. It is grown mainly in Sicily where it is mostly appreciated for its low levels of acidity that exalt its sweet juice.

Blood oranges

In blood oranges we can find many varieties (Tarocco, Moro, Sanguinello). This kind of oranges have a peculiar red colour in the pulp because they have a high content of anthocyanins that we cannot find in the blond oranges.


It is source of potassium, vitamins C and D, flavonoids. This fruit was a subject of study of some important researches. Beyond basic beneficial properties, there are some peculiar important functions. In fact, if introduced in our daily diet, it protects and improve the functionality of stomach and lungs; it prevents arthritis, kidney infections, gout, gastritis and allows to keep under control the levels of uric acid.


Important source of proteins, water, vitamins B and C, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, calcium and provitamin A. In winter, maybe more than any other fruit it is useful against flu symptoms (Flu and cold). Alike the orange, it strengthens the immune system and helps eliminating free radicals, delaying aging.


Lemons are not only a food, but also a natural remedy for promoting health. Not only thy help us enriching the flavour of our dishes, but also, they allow us enjoying many benefits for our health.
Drinking lemon juice contributes preventing kidney stones composed by calcium oxalate and it is a natural remedy against sore throat together with some honey to fight inflammations.
Lemons have cleansing properties that allow us having a true detox of our body if we remember for example to drink daily warm water with lemon juice.
Lemons and lemon juice are a valid help to lose weight.
Drinking warm water and lemon juice or an herb tea with ginger and lemon after meals favours digestion.
Lemons not only are a source of vitamin C, as we all know, but also, they are a source of potassium that helps us keeping our body in balance.
Lemons are an acid fruit, but instead their effect on our body is alkalizing and drinking lemon juice helps balancing our ph. This is only one good reason why it is important to drink warm water and lemon juice in the morning with empty stomach, together with the wish of purifying the body and help the intestinal regularity.