
Onion can be fully considered as a natural antibiotic, thanks to its antiseptic property, as it can eliminate harmful bacteria in the intestine, and protect the “good” intestine bacterial flora. It is also equipped with a stimulating action, besides a diuretic and cleansing properties.
Moreover, it contributes improving the blood circulation.

Finally, it can decrease the levels of glucose in the blood, and it can be used for many beauty treatments.

The onion is a mix of vitamins, mineral salts and much more, and precisely vitamins A, B1, B2, C and E, mineral salts, among which important are calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and manganese. Moreover, it contains many ferments that are very important to stimulate metabolism and help with the digestion. Moreover, it is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants able to efficiently contrast the free radicals, responsible against cellular aging. The onion also contains a vegetal hormone, the glucochimine, which has an antidiabetic action.

It is rich of water and poor in calories, so it should be used often in kitchen.
However, its main feature is for sure that it is a natural antibiotic, and it also has an antiseptic action for the good functionality of the intestine.

The essential oil of onion is also important as it protects the blood circulation because it has vasodilatory properties, feature that improves the functionality of veins and allows them to transport a greater flow of blood in advantage to the entire body as it will get more oxygenated.

Onion is also recommended for subjects who suffer coronary diseases, with consequent reduce of cardiologic risk.
At the same time, it fights the water retention, well-known issue for women.