
Persimmons, a typical fruit of late autumn, they are a precious ally against asthenia, colitis or constipation: they help in fact with regulating the intestine functions. The fruit is easily chewable and has a delicious flavour, but it is not recommended for diabetics, obese and sufferers of gastroduodenal ulcer.

Persimmons have a creamy and sweet pulp and have laxative, diuretic and hepatoprotective. Surely, they are caloric fruit (100g of persimmons provide around 65-70 kcal), but they are rich in mineral salt and particularly in potassium.

It is fundamental for the storage of liquids in the cells, it helps reducing the blood pressure and eliminating wastes of the body and fights weaknesses.
The quantity of vitamin C is also remarkable, especially in ripe fruit.

Unripe persimmon, instead, is a mine of tannins, with astringent properties.
They are also rich in beta-carotene, precursor of vitamin A, fundamental to prevent the oxidation of vitamin C. It is an energetic fruit, but the high amount of fibres (2,5% on 100g) makes it an excellent remedy against constipation and water retention.